Weber leads the world in the production of pumpable self-levelling floor screeds. With 30 years of experience and more than 100 million square metres applied worldwide, the Weber flooring range gives you high performance floors, for any application, quickly and costeffectively.
They allow you to achieve the flattest, smoothest and thinnest floors possible, that will perform to exact standards, often in highly testing environments. And they will minimise installation and drying time to prevent disruption.
With the advent of pumped, self-levelling floor screeds, the world of commercial and industrial flooring was changed permanently. Weber was in the vanguard of this revolution, creating products that have brought the flooring industry up from its knees, offering the ability to create superb, highperformance seamless floors at speeds that were previously unachievable and with a quality and longevity that have become renowned throughout Europe.
The Weber range of marine products satisfies the requirements stipulated by the authorities and the leading classification societies. All the Weber marine self-levelling screeds are design approved by Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
• MED-B certificates: DNV, US Coast Guard
• Certificates also available: ABS, NK, RMRS, TC, LR, Russian River Register, Achilles JQS
• Fire resistance: SINTEF Fire laboratory, Norway.
• Sound properties: Lloyd´s Register ODS, Denmark.